Páginas Amarillas en DVD para los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en Diciembre
Yellow Pages to go digital next year
05/26/2006 10:05 PM | By Chinmay Chaudhuri, Staff Reporter Dubai: The yellow pages, the quintessential directory of companies, is a must-have 5,000 pager for every business. Now that big volume directory has received a technological makeover shrunk into a DVD, making it more informative and easier to use. In December, Dubai-based Spark Advertising, a subsidiary of Crossworld Middle East, will launch the UAE's first commercial directory in a DVD format. "We have named it Yellow DVD. We are using technology to give the client the best advantage by offering them full screen displays (on PCs) instead of lineage advertisements. That allows the company to squeeze in as much detail about itself as it wants," said K K Babu, chief executive of Spark Technologies. The company plans to distribute 500,000 Yellow DVDs free in the UAE in 2007.