miércoles, octubre 26, 2005

Los negocios On Line contribuyen positivamente en los resultados de Páginas Amarillas en Francia

October 26, 2005

En una nota aparecida en LightReading.com se comenta el efecto del desarrollo del negocio de Internet (que cuenta por cerca de un 25%) para aumentar un 6.3% el resultado total de Pages Jaunes (El negocio de Páginas Amarillas de France Telecom) en el tercer trimestre con respecto al año pasado y 2% sobre el presupuesto de 2005, a pesar de una disminución de la inversión publicitaria de Francia.

A continuación se cita el artículo de LightReading.com y al final se incluye la referencia al Comunicado y presentación oficiales (en Francés) de resultados del tercer trimestre de PagesJaunes

PageJaunes Reports Numbers
OCTOBER 26, 2005
PR Newswire

PARIS -- The consolidated revenues of PagesJaunes Groupe amounted to 774.3 million euros in the first 9 months of 2005, up 6.3% compared to the same period for 2004 on a comparable consolidation (1) and publication basis (2). In the third quarter 2005, the consolidated revenue of PagesJaunes Groupe has reached 292.6 million euros, up 5.4% on a comparable consolidation (1) and publication (2) basis.

On the publication of PagesJaunes Groupe's revenues at September 30, 2005, CEO Michel Datchary, said: "PagesJaunes Groupe has maintained over the first 9 months of the year 2005 growth in line with its annual targets. In the third quarter 2005, in a context of slower growth in the French advertising market, the PagesJaunes in France segment has pursued high growth owing mainly to the development of its Internet services which represent around one quarter of our revenues in France. For its part, the revenues of the International and Subsidiaries segment benefited from the dynamism of QDQ Media in Spain where sales pursued their double-digit growth, out-performing the Spanish advertising market."

PagesJaunes in France segment: 6.4% growth in revenue

The revenue of the PagesJaunes in France segment is up 6.4% to 700.2 million euros over the first 9 months of 2005. In the third quarter 2005, the revenues of the PagesJaunes in France segment has increased on a comparable publication basis (2) by 5.4% to 262.4 million euros.

At September 30, 2005, PagesJaunes in France increased the number of new advertisers by 15.8% compared to the same date in 2004. The revenue from printed directories increased by 3.1% to 465.9 million euros over the first 9 months of 2005. Revenue from the PagesJaunes directory was up by 3.7% to 381.5 million euros and that for L'Annuaire by 0.6% to 84.4 million euros.

In the third quarter 2005, the revenue from the printed directories on a comparable publication basis (2) was up by 3.7% to 179.9 million euros. Revenue from the PagesJaunes directory recorded an increase of 4.4% to 149.7 million euros, and that of L'Annuaire by 0.3% to 30.2 million euros.

The revenue from the online services (Internet and Minitel 3611) has increased by 13.5% to 213.3 million euros over the first 9 months of 2005 with growth of 36.2% to 168.4 million euros in revenue from the Internet (pagesjaunes.fr and Internet websites) which more than compensated for the decline of 30.1% to 44.9 million euros in revenue from Minitel. Total revenues from online services over the first 9 months of 2005 represented more than 30% of the revenues from the PagesJaunes in France segment.

In the third quarter 2005, the revenue from the online services increased by 11.4% to 72.6 million euros. Internet revenue (pagesjaunes.fr and Sites Internet) grew by 31.9% to 57.9 million euros over the period, and that for Minitel showed a fall of 30.8% to 14.7 million euros.

The number of advertisers on pagesjaunes.fr increased by 11.4% in a year to 326 427 at September 30, 2005. The number of monthly visits on pagesjaunes.fr reached 50 million in September 2005(4), up by 37% compared to September 2004. With a monthly reach rate of 37% in September 2005 (5), pagesjaunes.fr now occupies 5th position in the ratings for the most visited Internet sites in France (5).

International & Subsidiaries segment: 7.3% revenue growth on a comparable consolidation (1) and publication (2) basis

The revenue from the International & Subsidiaries segment reached 76.7 million euros over the first 9 months of the year 2005 up by 7.3% on a comparable consolidation (1) and publication (2) basis. In the third quarter 2005, the revenue from the International & Subsidiaries segment stood at 31.4 million euros up by 8.1% on a comparable consolidation (1) and publication (2) basis. The revenue from QDQ Media increased by 12.7% to 30.1 million euros on a comparable consolidation (1) and publication (2) basis over the first 9 months of 2005. QDQ Media's revenue on online services (QDQ.com) recorded an increase of 81.1% to 4.4 million euros, while revenue from printed directories on a comparable publication (2) basis improved by 4.7%. Most of the sales made by the online services represented 14.5% of the revenue of QDQ Media over the first nine months of 2005.

Recent events

PagesJaunes Groupe is renouncing the mutual employee profit-sharing agreement of Groupe France Télécom. While maintaining the profit-sharing level paid to the employees of Groupe PagesJaunes, this decision should lead, from the full-year 2006, to a reduction of the total amount of the employee profit-sharing borne by PagesJaunes Groupe. Subject to the new employee profit-sharing agreement, to be implemented internally at PagesJaunes Groupe from the full-year 2006, the impact of the new employee profit-sharing calculation should lead to an improvement in the consolidated operating income of PagesJaunes Groupe.

Financial targets

PagesJaunes Groupe reaffirms and specifies its financial targets:

  • Consolidated revenue growth of 5.5 to 6.5% in 2005,
  • Growth in consolidated gross operating margin (3) in excess of 10% including telephone directory enquiry services in 2005,
  • Target of gross operating margin (3) at breakeven at QDQ Media by the end of 2006,
  • Maintained target of distributing entire net income from the group's operating activities in respect of full-year 2005.
It should be noted that the dividend distribution target in no way constitutes a commitment on the part of PagesJaunes Groupe. Future dividends will depend on the Group's results, its financial situation and any other factor which the Board of Directors and the shareholders of PagesJaunes Groupe deem relevant.

Comunicado y presentación oficial de resultados del tercer trimestre de PagesJaunes

Chiffre d'affaires

PagesJaunes Groupe : croissance au 30 septembre 2005 conforme aux objectifs annuels

- Chiffre d’affaires consolidé en hausse de 6,3% au 30 septembre 2005 à périmètre de consolidation et de parution constants
- Chiffre d’affaires du segment PagesJaunes en France en progression de 6,4% au 30 septembre 2005
- Chiffre d’affaires du segment International & Filiales en croissance de 7,3% à périmètre de consolidation et de parution constants

martes, octubre 25, 2005

TPI adopta un nuevo organigrama estructurado.- cinco direcciones generales

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS).- El consejo de administración de Telefónica Publicidad e Información (TPI) aprobó hoy una nueva estructura organizativa para la compañía que centra el desarrollo de su actividad en torno a cinco direcciones generales y tiene como objetivo "agilizar la toma de decisiones, impulsando el crecimiento de la empresa y su rentabilidad", informó hoy la compañía en un comunicado.

De las cinco direcciones generales que integran el organigrama, dos son de nueva creación, la dirección general ejecutiva comercial y la dirección general de Latinoamérica. Las otras tres restantes, dirección general de operaciones, la dirección general de finanzas y desarrollo corporativo y la dirección general de recursos y servicios jurídicos, se mantienen ampliando y redefiniendo sus competencias.

La dirección general ejecutiva comercial será desempeñada por Jesús Figueroa Granados, hasta la fecha director general de gestión de productos y servicios de marketing de Telefónica de España. Este área se ocupará del desarrollo del negocio en el mercado español y de las filiales de nuevos negocios: TPI Edita, TPI Direct, TPI 11888 (España) y TPI 1288 (Italia). Desde esta dirección general se coordinarán todas las actividades comerciales, impulsando su orientación hacia el cliente, "con el fin de lograr la máxima eficiencia en las operaciones y el óptimo progreso en la captación de mercados potenciales", destacó el grupo.Los nuevos productos y la mejora de los existentes constituyen un punto clave de esta dirección general, ya que actuará como factoría de nuevos productos para exportar a todos los mercados.

Para ocupar la dirección general de Latinoamérica se ha designado a Antonio Rico Menéndez, hasta ahora director general de ventas. Desde esta dirección general se gestionarán y coordinarán las operaciones de directorios de Latinoamérica para consolidar una estrategia y unas señas de identidad comunes en la región, que permitan obtener las máximas sinergias que confiere la presencia internacional de la compañía. "TPI confirma, así, su voluntad de ser el operador de directorios líder en Latinoamérica", explicó Telefónica.

La dirección general de operaciones se responsabilizará de las áreas de sistemas de Europa y de Latinoamérica, de la actividad de producción editorial y on-line, así como de la logística. De esta dirección general dependerán las filiales Edinet Europa y Edinet Latinoamérica, y su objetivo se centrará en utilizar los recursos globales de la compañía en sus diferentes áreas geográficas para optimizar la estructura de costes y la calidad de los productos.

Al frente de la dirección general de finanzas y desarrollo corporativo se mantiene Ana García Fau, que controlará todas las operaciones de TPI, así como el desarrollo del negocio, bien sea orgánico o a través de adquisiciones. Asimismo, de esta dirección general dependerán las áreas de comunicación, relación con inversores y planificación estratégica.Javier López-Mingo sigue al frente de la dirección general de recursos y servicios jurídicos, que mantiene la secretaría del consejo de administración, así como las actividades relacionadas con asuntos jurídicos y auditoría interna. Dentro del nuevo esquema, asume como principales cometidos la gestión de los recursos humanos, procesos y calidad.

viernes, octubre 14, 2005

La nueva miniguía de SBC, genera molestia en los clientes

Según la noticia que se referencia a continuación, el nuevo formato de miniguía lanzada por "SBC" en Diciembre orientada a los sectores de mayor poder adquisitivo de San Francisco y ciudades vecinas, ha creado opiniones de rechazo entre anunciadores. Por su parte existe el temor de que los usuarios descarten la guía tradicional en favor de la miniguía. Tal es el precio que está pagando la editora para enfrentar a la competidora independiente "Valley Yellow Pages"

SBC book ticks off advertiser


David Lazarus
Friday, October 14, 2005

Telecom giant SBC says its new "minibook" telephone directory, a pint-size Yellow Pages being issued in some of San Francisco's wealthier neighborhoods in December, will be a boon to both consumers and advertisers.

The minibook will be delivered in select areas alongside SBC's main Yellow Pages and, the company says, will be small enough to carry in the car or keep in a nightstand drawer.

"It's a valuable resource," said John Britton, a company spokesman. "We want to help businesses more effectively reach customers." But for Steve Hess, who runs a San Francisco company called All City Locksmith, the minibook is little more than an attempt by SBC to squeeze extra money out of merchants whose marketing budgets are already stretched painfully thin. Hess said he relies on Yellow Pages ads for 75 percent of his business.
He's advertised in SBC's main Yellow Pages for 26 years. "I basically had to take out an ad in their new book because otherwise people in the richer neighborhoods might not find me," Hess said. "If you're not in a major book, you're shut out from potential customers."

For a spot in the minibook, SBC is charging businesses that already advertise in its main Yellow Pages a bargain-basement price of just 10 percent of the cost of existing ads, capped at $500 a month.

Hess said he couldn't help but notice that the $500 he's being charged for the minibook -- compared with the $6,500 he spends monthly for SBC's main Yellow Pages -- is almost exactly the same amount he spends each month for an ad in Valley Yellow Pages.

Valley Yellow Pages, which distributes 7.5 million copies of its listings throughout Northern and Central California, is SBC's leading directory rival in the region.

"I think the new book is aimed locally at Valley Yellow Pages," Hess said. "I think SBC figures that if they can squeeze another $500 out of people like me, I'll have to drop Valley Yellow Pages."

And more than likely, he acknowledged, SBC is correct. "I can't keep advertising in three books," he said. "Sooner or later, I'll have to decide which one to drop."

This is something very much on the mind of Sieg Fischer, chief exec of Fresno's Valley Yellow Pages. Since learning about SBC's minibook a few weeks ago, he said, he's been speaking with attorneys about a possible lawsuit.

"It's definitely an anti-competitive move," Fisher said. "It's an attempt by SBC to double-dip from existing advertisers to get more revenue into their coffers instead of going to a competitor."

By offering ads in the minibook for just a fraction of prices charged for SBC's main Yellow Pages, he said, the phone company appears to be making a deliberate effort to undercut his business and drive him out of key markets.

"This could sure as hell smack of an antitrust case," Fischer said.

SBC's Britton declined to respond directly to Fischer's allegation. But he acknowledged that the company's minibook is at least partially a response to competition from other directories.

"We appreciate that customers have choices," Britton said. "Of course, we want them to choose us. We think the decision is easy because we have the best books."

He said that aside from San Francisco, minibooks will be distributed in a handful of cities throughout California, including Oakland, Sacramento and certain parts of Orange County.

At Valley Yellow Pages, Fischer cites independent audits commissioned by his firm that show an increasing number of Bay Area households are using his directory instead of SBC's.

Fischer, a former Pacific Bell executive, co-founded Valley Yellow Pages 20 years ago. He now claims about $135 million in annual revenue.

By contrast, SBC says, the hundreds of different directories it publishes nationwide bring in sales of almost $4 billion annually.

"We're the only company that has taken on SBC in California in an aggressive way," Fischer said. "We reach the same markets they do."

The new minibook, he said, will consolidate SBC's position as the dominant directory service in the Bay Area and will make it harder for other companies to compete.

"What's likely is that it will diminish our market share," Fischer said. "That's obviously their goal."

Not at all, replied SBC's Britton. "We're focused on finding new avenues to help advertisers achieve results," he said. "We want to innovate and find new ways to help them find customers."

He added: "We're not focused on verbally attacking competitors."

Hess of All City Locksmith said that when SBC approached him a couple of weeks ago about being in the minibook, he agreed out of fear that some people would discard the main Yellow Pages and keep only the smaller version.

But he made a point of telling the company rep that he was purchasing an additional ad under protest.

"They're basically making me pay them twice," Hess said. "It's ridiculous." David Lazarus' column appears Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Send tips or feedback to dlazarus@sfchronicle.com.

Debate religioso en la Páginas Amarillas

A continuación se relata la historia aparecida en el New York Times acerca de las objeciones hechas al rubro asignado por un cliente para su templo por parte de otra iglesia, también cliente de la misma guía, pero con diferencias en sus creencias:

Yellow Pages Are the Stage for a Debate Over Judaism - New York Times

ORIGINAL: NYTimes.com (Subscription Required)
October 14, 2005

History, it is often said, is written by the victors.

Less often said is that it is written in the Verizon Yellow Pages for Camden County, N.J.

But it is there that a generation may soon learn the outcome of the latest skirmish between Messianic Jews - the sect known colloquially as Jews for Jesus - and the more traditional Jews, who consider Messianic Judaism a stealth form of Christianity.

It happened like this: Over the summer, a public relations man named Steven L. Lubetkin, whose clients include Temple Emanuel, a Reform synagogue in Cherry Hill, N.J., was asked by the rabbi there about buying an advertisement in the Verizon SuperPages.

Looking in the book, Mr. Lubetkin noticed that just before the heading "Temples & Synagogues - Judaic," which included most local synagogues, there were two entries under "Temples & Synagogues - Jewish - Messianic."

Mr. Lubetkin said he was appalled. Like many non-Messianic Jews, he believes that one cannot worship Jesus - or Yeshua, as the Messianic Jews call him - and still be a Jew.

"It's like if I went to Verizon and said I wanted to be listed as a neurosurgeon, or a Roman Catholic church," said Mr. Lubetkin, 48, who is neither. "I suspect they'd have a problem with that."

Mr. Lubetkin complained to the phone company. And so it came to pass that Verizon's 2006 Camden County SuperPages will sort its listings into "Synagogues" and "Synagogues - Messianic."

A spokeswoman for Verizon, Mary De La Garza, said Wednesday that similar changes would be made in several other SuperPages, including the Manhattan edition. Verizon is reviewing all 1,200 of its directories to see if similar changes have to be made, she added.

Mr. Lubetkin said he would prefer that the Messianic establishments not even be identified as synagogues, which are by definition places where Jews worship, but was glad to get the word "Jewish" out of the listing. The change was reported in the current issue of The Jewish Exponent, a weekly newspaper in Philadelphia.

Such taxonomic distinctions may seem trivial, but they reflect serious struggles over identity politics and religious turf. The evangelical wings of Presbyterian and Baptist denominations have drawn fire from traditional Jewish leaders for supporting Messianic Jewish synagogues. In recent years, Messianic synagogues in Livingston, N.J., and Albany have agreed to be listed under "Churches" after pressure from non-Messianic Jewish leaders.

The rabbi of one of the Messianic synagogues listed in the Camden County book, Jan Rosenberg, who learned about the change only on Tuesday from a reporter, was upset that he had not been consulted.

"I don't like the idea of somebody outside our congregation trying to define me," said Rabbi Rosenberg, who heads Congregation Beth Zion Messianic Synagogue in Jackson, N.J. "You self-define."

Rabbi Rosenberg, it turns out, was already having problems with the Yellow Pages. His synagogue is in Ocean County, and, in the 2005 SuperPages there, it was listed, mysteriously, under " Clinics - Surgical."

Rabbi Rosenberg said it would be only fair for him to call Verizon and say, "The Methodist Church - I don't want them listed under churches. Put them under 'Synagogue of Satan.' " He hastened to add that he had no intention of making such a call.

In fact, Ms. De La Garza said, in the SuperPages, self-definition is the rule. Given the impossibility - and inappropriateness, she said - of Verizon investigating all of its advertisers, the company allows them to choose the heading they are listed under.

What's more, she added, "If the laundry list of headings doesn't fit, and it makes sense that the best way that our users can find that client is to create a new heading, we'd try to accommodate that."

This means that Rabbi Rosenberg could elect to be listed under "Synagogues," rather than "Synagogues - Messianic." Or he could request that Verizon reinstate the "Synagogues - Jewish - Messianic" heading.

Upon hearing this, Rabbi Rosenberg said he was not sure what he would do. But he had made up his mind about one thing: "I'm definitely going to move it from 'Surgical.' "

miércoles, octubre 12, 2005

TPI finaliza la compra de Páginas Amarillas - Argentina a Telefonica por 30M de Euros

Noticia aparecida en el medio español CincoDias:

2005-10-07 08:05:30 - report

MADRID (AFX) - Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion SA is finalising the 30 mln eur or so purchase of Argentina's Yellow Pages from Telefonica SA, Cinco Dias reported, citing unnamed sources close to the operation.
